Get £1000 to Spend at ASDA
Today Asda has confirmed to Retail Week its final plans to review the organization chart to adapt to the new multi-channel environment. With the revision, new positions appear in the plant and in stores, posts are created, but others disappear. And although the net balance is about creating some 1,500 jobs, the new positions are related to the application of the online channel in stores, and according to Asda, some employees who do not have the necessary skills for the new positions will be dismissed and will incorporate new profiles.
A few days ago, Morrisons confirmed another similar news: they are going to need more than 2,500 less responsible people in stores, as part of a great restructuring plan of their organization chart.
The success of the online channel means that there are meters and staff in the stores. Source Asda.
Morrisons has found that there are plenty of people in stores after the improvements that have been implemented in the management systems in recent years, and the shift that is gradually occurring from sales in stores to online sales. It plans to move these positions to its new openings (it plans 100 new convenience stores throughout this year) and the creation of new responsibilities for a group of highly experienced workers who would support the store manager.
In the case of Asda, the number of affected posts is higher, close to 4,100. The main changes take place in the organization charts of the stores, but also in the central offices, where less personnel is needed for some sections such as non-food, which are going to be sold much more by the online channel than by the stores. .
Tesco is working on a similar project, while Waitrose already made the adjustment last year.
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Asda seems to consolidate the results.
June 3, 2014 Markets, Results Aldi, Asda, Lidl, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Waitrose/Tesco - consumerThe struggle for sales in the British consumer market is really interesting, and the latest figures from Kantar Worldpanel bear witness to this.It is convenient to make two analyzes, that of the specialists and that of the universals.
The big consumption market grew by 1.7% year-on-year, and inflation has fallen to 1.2% thanks to the price war and the growth of discounters. These continue their accelerated growth (more than 20% year-on-year for Lidl and 35% for Aldi), followed by far by premium retailers (which are the only ones that grow steadily above the market) as Waitrose with a 6, 1% and Marks & Spencer (Kantar does not collect data from them, but their food sales are also growing at a good pace).
The situation of universal supermarkets is very different. Tesco, Asda and Morrisons are engaged in a price war that is taking increasingly aggressive dyes (and possibly with the announcement of the poor results of Tesco for this quarter to be done tomorrow, we have some news about what Tesco wants to do In this regard). Asda is the best positioned supermarket in price (and that has managed to conjugate more elements such as the price image, the reduction of promotions, and the effective price reduction) and therefore the one that is getting better results of the three. Tesco and Morrisons lost sales (-3.1 and -3.9% respectively) while Asda has managed to consolidate the good results of recent periods, and already grows above the market (2.4%). Sainsbury's, the fourth in discord, somewhat removed from the price war (despite its initial skirmish) maintains growth, but modestly (0.9%).
Asda's growth is very good, but we must see if it is sustainable. Surely it has not managed to stop the loss of customers towards the discount, but it will be taking customers from mainly Morrisons (because they share more with them area and type of customers) and Tesco.
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British families notice some improvement in their economy.
May 27, 2014 Asda Consumer
According to the monthly analysis by the consultant CEBR (Center for Economics and Business Research) for Asda, British families have an average weekly £ 170 per week (£ 3 more than the previous year) available to spend on leisure, vacations, etc., standing at levels close to the maximum since Asda began to commission these studies (2010).
It is good news, despite the modesty of the figure, because we have already been seven consecutive months improving the income that is left to families after covering their basic needs, so that more and more of them can consider facing extraordinary expenses . Improvements are noted in employment (employment creation is accelerated and unemployment is also reduced), food and energy inflation have also fallen sharply, and in general, household incomes tend to rise (although it has not been the case this month).
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