Watch Netflix for Two Years Now

 Watch Netflix for Two Years Now

Netflix exceeds its forecasts and reaches 5.2 million new subscribers
Netflix, two years in Spain
On October 20, 2015, Netflix landed in Spain to become a fierce competitor of traditional television. A new way of seeing the small screen, which although it is not fully consolidated after two years, has already managed to steal audience from traditional channels. In this time more travel companions have joined him as HBO, Sky or Amazon and its great advantage is that it offers the consumer the option of choosing, when and where he wants to see his favorite series.
Since its launch, the catalog of films has been expanded, but it has managed to make itself known without changing its prices in all this time. After two years it has announced that it will rise in the next months between 10% and 16%. Their rates (between 7.99 and 11.99 euros) have convinced many lovers of series and movies to forget piracy and Internet downloads to deliver video on demand.
Netflix, does not offer user statistics by country. Therefore, there are no official subscriber data in Spain, but we know that in the second half of 2016 it was present in 540,000 households, doubling the figures of its first months of life, according to the Household Panel published by the CNMC.

In 2017, it continued its growth and positioned itself as the second VOD platform, only behind Movistar, which closed 2016 with more than 1.2 million users and lowered its prices in order not to lose competitiveness. At that time, there was still no HBO data and Sky had not reached the Spanish market.
He 'scratches' audience to television

Television audiences have fallen in Spain for the fifth consecutive year, according to the data presented by Mediaset to the CNMV regarding the first nine months of the year. Since 2012, every Spanish sees 15 minutes less than average television every day and the daily average of spectators falls in 624,000 people.

But this decline became more noticeable since the last quarter of 2015, coincidentally or not, coinciding with the arrival of Netflix in Spain. In 2016, television consumption fell by 3% compared to the same period one year before and until September of this year it fell again by 2.15%. In two years, 358,000 people have left the traditional chains and the current figure is 6.7 million daily viewers.

Netflix returns to create controversy with the promotional poster of 'Fe de Etarras'

In response to the data provided by the  communication groups listed on the stock exchange, Mediaset has lost 2.2% audience points sinctwoe September 2015 (Telecinco 1.2% and Cuatro 1%). Atresmedia maintains the records, but its main channels have suffered. Antena 3 has lost 1.5% points, by 0.9% of La Sexta. The chain of San Sebastian de los Reyes relies on its minority channels to not lose viewers.

A money-making machine

The company has become a worldwide phenomenon since it was launched in 2007 in the United States. The turnover of the firm based in Los Gatos (California) reached in the first nine months of the year the 8,406 million dollars, 32% more than the 6,353 million obtained at the end of last September.
As for the third quarter, the company generated 129.6 million net profit and its turnover reached 2.985 million. Netflix highlighted a 33% increase in revenues from "streaming" globally between July and September, which translated into 2,875 million for the company's coffers.

On October 16 it announced that it had reached the "record" figure of 5.3 million new subscribers globally only in the third quarter, which it attributed to the "strong appetite" for its original series and films. It is estimated that it has around 100 million customers worldwide. And growing.

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